What’s Tamoxifen in Bodybuilding? How it works? Side Effects | PRO7fitness.com

What's Tamoxifen in Bodybuilding? How it works? Side Effects - PRO7fitness.com

Tamoxifen is widely used in bodybuilding in conjunction with anabolic steroids for the prevention and treatment of gynecomastia – the growth of female breasts. Below we will discuss how this breast cancer medication found its way into the pharmacological kits of modern bodybuilders, the mechanism of action and effectiveness of tamoxifen during PCT, as well as its side effects.

Main thoughts:

Tamoxifen is a pharmacological drug that is widely used in medicine for the treatment of breast cancer, and in bodybuilding – to combat gynecomastia (one might want to cry and change from such a wonderful combination)

Tamoxifen blocks the action of the female sex hormone estrogen in the breast: in breast cancer, this stops the disease, as cancer feeds on estrogen; in gynecomastia in bodybuilders, it prevents breast growth, which also occurs under the influence of estrogen

In bodybuilding, the use of certain types of steroids is accompanied by an increase in the level of the female sex hormone estrogen, which causes breast growth; tamoxifen blocks the action of this hormone specifically in the breast…

Tamoxifen is marketed as a drug that helps restore testosterone levels in bodybuilding after a steroid cycle. Scientists say that its use decreases both testosterone and IGF-1 levels, while estrogen increases

Tamoxifen protects against breast cancer but provokes the development of cancer in other parts of the body

Under the influence of tamoxifen, fat accumulates in the liver (which is a sign of toxicity) and the risk of liver cancer increases

Under the influence of tamoxifen, blood clots form that can block vessels; this is especially dangerous in bodybuilding during physical exertion

The average dose of tamoxifen for the treatment of breast cancer and gynecomastia is 20-40 mg per day

What is tamoxifen?

Tamoxifen citrate is a pharmacological drug that acts on estrogen receptors (the female sex hormone) in the body, suppressing its action.

It was created in 1961. The most common form of tamoxifen is tamoxifen citrate, and the most well-known brand is Nolvadex.

Often referred to as an anti-estrogen, tamoxifen citrate is actually both an antagonist and an agonist. This means that it acts as an anti-estrogen in some areas of the body, while in others it acts as an estrogen.

In medicine, tamoxifen has been used for several decades for the treatment of breast cancer and is recognized as one of the most effective drugs.

In bodybuilding, tamoxifen is used by users of anabolic steroids during a course of anabolic steroids and after it (PCT) to combat gynecomastia (growth of female breast tissue) – one of the many side effects of steroids.

PCT – a course of pharmacology after steroid use, aimed at restoring the body’s ability to independently synthesize testosterone, which is suppressed during steroid use.

Tamoxifen is a pharmacological drug that is widely used in medicine for the treatment of breast cancer, and in bodybuilding – to combat gynecomastia (one might want to cry and change from such a wonderful combination)

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How does tamoxifen work?

Tamoxifen acts as both an antagonist and an agonist with respect to the hormone estrogen.

Its anti-estrogenic properties manifest in that it affects estrogen receptors in certain parts of the body, making them insensitive to estrogen. This primarily concerns the cells of the mammary glands (breasts).

This explains its effectiveness in combating breast cancer, as this type of cancer feeds on “estrogen”.

In bodybuilding, tamoxifen prevents breast growth, which also occurs due to increased levels of estrogen from the partial conversion of testosterone/steroids into estrogen.

For greater clarity: the development of female sexual characteristics (including breast growth) and male characteristics is regulated in the body by hormones. During hormone therapy for gender transition, transgender individuals use male (testosterone) or female (estrogen) sex hormones depending on the direction in which they need to change their sex.

The anti-estrogenic effect of tamoxifen is relatively clear. Its action as an estrogen in other parts of the body is more complex to understand.

Tamoxifen citrate works as an estrogen in the liver. Is this good or bad?

On one of the websites selling sports pharmacology, it is stated that the liver-related estrogenic activity of tamoxifen improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, in particular, – reduces cholesterol levels in the blood…

If this is true, then it is undoubtedly an advantage for those bodybuilders who use steroids, as they negatively affect cholesterol, causing blood vessels to become “clogged”.

Let’s find out if this is the case in the section Side effects of tamoxifen.

Tamoxifen blocks the action of the female sex hormone estrogen in the breast: in breast cancer, this stops the disease, as cancer feeds on estrogen; in gynecomastia in bodybuilders, it prevents breast growth, which also occurs under the influence of estrogen.

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Tamoxifen in bodybuilding during a steroid cycle

In bodybuilding, tamoxifen is taken both during a steroid cycle and after it (PCT). More often – after.

Some types of steroids – nandrolone and testosterone – increase estrogen levels, as they are partially converted into it during metabolism under the action of the enzyme aromatase.

As estrogen rises, the likelihood of breast growth also increases, and more water is retained in the body, which can lead to increased blood pressure.

What does tamoxifen do and why do bodybuilders take it: it does NOT lower estrogen levels, but blocks the receptors of this hormone in the breast (makes them unresponsive). Accordingly, it does not affect water retention and other possible side effects of elevated levels of the female sex hormone…

Does tamoxifen guarantee complete protection against gynecomastia? No. It depends on the level of estrogen and genetic characteristics.

If tamoxifen does not help, then a stronger protection in the form of aromatase inhibitors is necessary, which prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen… Or maybe it’s time to think about what nonsense you are doing…

In bodybuilding, the use of certain types of steroids is accompanied by an increase in the level of the female sex hormone estrogen, which causes breast growth; tamoxifen blocks the action of this hormone specifically in the breast…

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How effective is tamoxifen in bodybuilding?

On one of the sports chemistry sales websites, it is stated:

Tamoxifen citrate has a stimulating effect on testosterone production. This is an important property for steroid users, as their intake suppresses its natural synthesis. Moreover, this is absolutely independent of the type of steroids.

This is why almost all steroid cycles include exogenous testosterone (artificial analog).

After stopping a steroid cycle, it takes time for natural production to recover. It is believed that taking tamoxifen after a cycle speeds up this process and makes it more effective: it stimulates the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which signal the testes to produce testosterone…

But that’s one side. The information is taken from the pages of one of the large online stores that sells steroids and recovery drugs after their use, including tamoxifen. As always, there are no confirmations in the form of scientific articles.

Scientific research, as is often the case, presents slightly different information.

In this study 11, it is stated that the use of tamoxifen by patients with gynecomastia leads to an increase in a certain hormone (sex hormone-binding globulin), which blocks the action of both estrogen and testosterone.

In other words, testosterone levels decrease, which in bodybuilding means a reduction in muscle growth potential, and in male sexual life – a decrease in libido (desire and satisfaction from sex).

That is why tamoxifen is almost always recommended to be taken together with testosterone boosters

In simple terms, the picture is as follows: on one hand, tamoxifen leads to an increase in the levels of certain hormones that stimulate testosterone release; on the other hand, the concentration of another hormone, which blocks the action of testosterone, also increases. The result is likely a near-zero effect.

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Another unpleasant effect of tamoxifen for bodybuilders is the decrease in IGF-1 hormone levels (insulin-like growth factor), which has a potential for muscle growth that is no less strong than that of growth hormone. This is mentioned here 1 and here 2.

What does all this mean: if you have gynecomastia or you are a “chemist” afraid of developing breasts, and you are recommended tamoxifen, remember that it has an estrogenic effect, and along with it, it suppresses muscle growth potential by lowering testosterone and IGF-1 levels.

In this study 3, it was shown that the use of tamoxifen increases testosterone levels by 50% and estrogen levels by 341%! There is something to think about.

What will happen if at some point after a steroid cycle you stop taking tamoxifen?

Considering the fact that estrogen levels significantly increase, and tamoxifen blocks its action in the breast, when you stop taking it, breast growth will begin to occur at a faster rate.

We get a classic closed loop. The complaints of steroid-using bodybuilders on relevant forums testify to the fact that this is exactly how it happens.

On the pages of the same online store selling sports pharmacology, there is a warning:

When taking steroids, the function of the pituitary-gonadal axis in testosterone production may be irreversibly disrupted. In this case, tamoxifen after the cycle will be useless, and natural testosterone production will not be restored by any other means.

Many steroid-using bodybuilders believe that a proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) recovery cycle after a steroid course ensures complete recovery. This is a false opinion. The use of tamoxifen citrate makes recovery more effective, but does not complete it. It may take several months for complete restoration of natural testosterone production.

Tamoxifen is advertised as a drug that helps restore testosterone levels in bodybuilding after a steroid cycle. Scientists say that its use decreases both testosterone and IGF-1 levels, while estrogen levels increase.

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Side effects of tamoxifen

In the matter of tamoxifen’s side effects, there is a clear difference in viewpoints between sellers and scientists. Here is what is stated about this on the same online store’s website:

Possible side effects of tamoxifen exist, but it is one of the safest and best-tolerated drugs in sports chemistry. Most men have nothing to fear. Side effects are more likely for women, but even among them, they are not observed in all.

Possible side effects of tamoxifen that sellers warn customers about include:

  • sudden changes in body temperature;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • headaches;
  • rash;
  • decrease in the number of leukocytes or white blood cells (which perform an immune function in the body);
  • changes in the structure of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus in women);
  • increased cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • pulmonary embolism (blockage of the pulmonary artery by a blood clot).

And here are some side effects of tamoxifen that scientists warn about based on their research:

1Tamoxifen and cancer

Paradoxically, but fact: tamoxifen protects against breast cancer while simultaneously promoting its development in other parts of the body.

Several scientific studies indicate that this drug increases the risk of cancer 4,5,6, and in the American Cancer Society tamoxifen is even listed among carcinogens (substances that stimulate the development of cancerous tumors) 12.

In particular, it concerns the development of uterine cancer in women who use tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment.

Some studies suggest that women taking tamoxifen have an increased mortality rate 10.

And experiments on rats demonstrate that 80% of the animals develop malignant tumors 7.

Tamoxifen protects against breast cancer but provokes cancer development in other parts of the body

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2Harm of tamoxifen to the liver

The use of tamoxifen leads to the formation of “fatty liver” 8 – a condition in which fat accumulates in liver cells. From wikipedia: “The accumulation of fat may be a response of the liver to various toxic effects; sometimes this process is associated with certain diseases and pathological conditions of the body.

Scientists also mention an increased likelihood of liver cancer development.

Under the influence of tamoxifen, fat accumulates in the liver (which is a sign of toxicity) and the risk of liver cancer increases

3Harm to vision

Tamoxifen is very toxic to the eyes; several cases of irreversible vision loss due to its use have been reported on bodybuilding forums.

Scientific studies confirm that the use of tamoxifen may contribute to the development of cataracts (clouding of the lens) 9.

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4Formation of blood clots

Tamoxifen increases the risk of blood clotting; if this occurs in a major artery or coronary (heart) vessels, it can result in death.

In bodybuilding, the use of tamoxifen is doubly dangerous, as a blocked vessel combined with increased pressure during exercise significantly raises the risk of death.

Under the influence of tamoxifen, clots form in the blood, which can block vessels; this is especially dangerous in bodybuilding during physical exertion

5Decreased libido

As noted above, tamoxifen lowers testosterone levels – the male sexual hormone responsible, among other things, for sexual desire and satisfaction.

In an attempt to avoid this, many steroid users take testosterone boosters after a steroid cycle to artificially increase testosterone levels.

Poor blood supply due to the formation of blood clots can increase the likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction (lack of erection).

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6Mood swings

This is one of the most common complaints among bodybuilders using tamoxifen after a steroid cycle: many of them report sharp mood swings and depressive states.

This is likely due to the increase in estrogen levels in the blood observed during the use of tamoxifen.

Interestingly, similar symptoms are also noted by women during menopause, in whose bodies serious hormonal changes occur, with the same estrogen being the main actor.

Tamoxifen: instructions for use

The instructions for the use of tamoxifen are provided for informational purposes only. If you have breast cancer or gynecomastia due to steroid use in bodybuilding – do not make decisions about taking the drug on your own without consulting a doctor.

– for the treatment of breast cancer:

For the treatment of breast cancer in both men and women, a dose of 20-30 mg of tamoxifen citrate twice a day is typically used. A total dose of 40 mg is the most common.

The duration of tamoxifen treatment is usually indefinite; patients continue to take it even after remission to avoid the recurrence of cancer.

– in bodybuilding for the treatment of gynecomastia:

For the treatment of gynecomastia in bodybuilding, tamoxifen is taken at a dose of 10-20 mg per day. If this dose does not help, it is unlikely that a higher dose will be effective. In this case, it is necessary to consider taking aromatase inhibitors.

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– in bodybuilding after a steroid cycle:

The dose of tamoxifen after a steroid cycle is 40 mg per day; it should be taken for 2-3 weeks. Then the dose is reduced to 20 mg and also taken for 2-3 weeks.

The average dose of tamoxifen for the treatment of breast cancer and gynecomastia is 20-40 mg per day


On our side – the facts, on your side – the decision.

Common sense cannot remain silent and screams that the use of pharmacology is madness.

The madness is that “athletes” seek a solution to eliminate gynecomastia as a consequence of steroid use, adding another drug to the list of pharmacological garbage, instead of simply addressing the root cause of this gynecomastia – pharmacology – and along with it a whole bouquet of other potential side effects.

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