Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky: Russian Arnold Hated by Russians |

Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky is probably one of the most discussed bodybuilders on the internet: the media writes about him in a sensational style, and bloggers do not hesitate to use Russian profanity. Detractors call him a “fake bodybuilder,” “Mr. Dumpling,” while he positions himself as an expert in fitness and bodybuilding and the holder of the title “Mr. Universe,” the same title that Arnold Schwarzenegger has…

What is this? A consequence of real success and fame, always surrounded by a crowd of journalists distorting facts and envious people? A deliberately planned marketing move for the promotion of his own name? An attempt to present the desired as reality by a person who dreamed since childhood of becoming like his idol Arnold Schwarzenegger and realizing that the train is leaving, but without him?

Let’s try to delve into the phenomenon of Alexander Nevsky.

Main thoughts:

Over 10 years of bodybuilding, Alexander Nevsky’s weight changed from 80 kg to 140 kg…

Three times in a row, Alexander Nevsky, by his own words, became Mr. Universe according to the WBBF bodybuilding federation

The main reason for the negativity towards Alexander Nevsky is the dishonesty in personally claiming the title of Mr. Universe, which he has never possessed

Another reason for the criticism of Alexander Nevsky is his atypical physical form for bodybuilders: a high percentage of body fat and poor muscle definition

Alexander Nevsky is known for his stance against the use of pharmacology in bodybuilding. However, when offered by journalists, he refused to take tests and has more muscle mass without anabolic steroids than Arnold at his peak with them

Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky: “When you look at classic photos of Arnold, you want to be like him. But modern bodybuilders are not only unpleasant to look at, but also not worth emulating.”

Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky: “…without sports pharmacology, it is impossible to achieve dry muscle mass on just protein and amino acids…

Doctor of bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky: “if you are taking them [steroids] now, you won’t be able to gain mass further without pills… you will always be tied to them”

Anthropometric data of bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky (1995, 24 years old)
Height 198 cm
Weight 145 kg
Bicep circumference 57 cm
Pages on the Internet
Instagram @realalexnevsky

Biography of Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky

Alexander Nevsky (Kuritsyn) – director, producer, writer, actor, bodybuilder – was born on July 17, 1971, in Moscow. His mother was an engineering instrument maker who always inspired and supported him, while his father, a professor of economic sciences, never provided any material or moral support to his son.

He started engaging in sports in 1986 at the age of 15; at that time, with a height of 194 cm, he weighed only 60 kg. Initially, he practiced boxing from 1986 to 1992 (his mother enrolled him so he could stand up for himself, as he was growing up without a father). Then he moved on to martial arts; he even attended master classes by Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal.

One day, Alexander saw a photograph of Arnold Schwarzenegger in one of the magazines, which impressed him so much that he immediately felt the desire to become like him. Thus, he became passionate about bodybuilding. After 10 years of training, Sasha underwent a significant transformation: at a height of 198 cm, his weight reached 140 kg, and his bicep size was 57.5 cm…

Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky in his teenage years

Alexander Nevsky was one of the first bodybuilders to attract media attention: he was invited to numerous television and radio programs, and newspaper reporters took interviews with him. The media began to talk about the emergence of their own Russian Arnold in Russia.

Over 10 years of bodybuilding, Alexander Nevsky’s weight changed from 80 kg to 140 kg…

Alexander began to conduct numerous seminars, promoting fitness and bodybuilding while openly opposing the use of anabolic steroids, although he had experience using them himself (read below).

And although he never worked as a fitness trainer, he inspired many to engage in sports through his books and television appearances.

Fame forced him to change his last name. Bodybuilder Alexander Kuritsyn chose the Russian Tsar Alexander Nevsky as his idol. This fact clearly indicated great ambitions.

Alexander Nevsky in his youth

In 1994, Nevsky graduated from the State Academy of Management in Moscow.

In 1997, his first book “How to Become Schwarzenegger in Russia” was published.

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From 1998 to 1999, he was the author and host of several television programs: “Up to 16 and Older,” “Good Morning.” His bodybuilding lessons were shown on air.

In 2000, he made his film debut: he played a minor role in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Quiet Waters.”

In 1999, he moved from Moscow to Los Angeles (USA). The impetus was a visit from American producers to Russia in search of talent. They promised Nevsky fame, million-dollar fees, and roles in films with Van Damme and Chuck Norris.

It was hard to refuse such an offer: in September 1999, Alexander emigrated to the USA. There, he began studying acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, improving his language skills and waiting for his star moment.

In 2002, he had his first role as an extra in the blockbuster “The Untouchables,” followed by a role in the thriller “Red Snake.”

From 2003 to 2008, he acted in films and also produced 6 more films in Hollywood, the most significant of which are “Moscow Heat,” “Treasure Hunters,” and “Fast and Furious: Da Vinci.”

All the films have very low ratings. Critics note Nevsky’s weak acting, the banality of the scripts, and poor directing.

Filmography of Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky
2000 – Quiet Depths
2004 – Moscow Heat
2005 – Time of Change
2007 – Treasure Hunters
2007 – Fast and Furious da Vinci
2010 – Murder in Vegas
2010 – Somewhere
2013 – Hercules: The Beginning
2013 – Black Rose

Alexander Nevsky is the author of several books on bodybuilding and fitness: “How to Become Schwarzenegger in Russia” (1997), “Kickboxer” (1998), “Gym for Kids” (1998), “All Problem Areas: Exercises for Women” (2000), “The Big Encyclopedia of Fitness” (2006), “Fitness in Hollywood” (2007), “The Perfect Body for Women” (2009), “Encyclopedia of Fitness and Physical Culture. In 3 volumes.” (2011-2012).

In 2010, Nevsky was invited to the 60th anniversary Mr. Universe bodybuilding championship organized by the WBBF federation. For three consecutive years, Alexander, according to his words (see below in the interview), became the winner of this competition and was proud of the title that his childhood idol Arnold Schwarzenegger had received five times.

Alexander Nevsky, meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger

By the way, it is from this moment in the career of bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky that claims to his personality begin from representatives of Russian bodybuilding and internet trolls.

Three times in a row, Alexander Nevsky claimed to be Mr. Universe according to the WBBF bodybuilding federation.

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What did Alexander Nevsky do to upset Russian bodybuilding?

In short, he is considered a liar and an impostor.

In Russian bodybuilding, certain officials of the Federation and well-known bodybuilders express critical opinions regarding Alexander Nevsky’s titles and achievements in bodybuilding, stating that they “have never heard of such a bodybuilder“.

What are they criticizing?

Primarily his title of Mr. Universe, claims to be an expert in fitness and bodybuilding, as well as his advocacy for being free of anabolic substances.

1 “Mr. Universe” or “Mr. Dumpling”

Alexander Nevsky claims to hold the title of Mr. Universe, the same one as Arnold Schwarzenegger. The popular phrasing goes something like this:

In October 2012, Nevsky participated for the third time in the WBBF natural bodybuilding competition and took 1st place among 120 athletes, receiving the title of Mr. Universe 2012.

A detailed investigation conducted by internet users and journalists at the time casts doubt on Nevsky’s title and labels his claims as outright lies.

What is the reason?

He is not on the list of winners on the NABBA bodybuilding federation website, where Arnold Schwarzenegger competed and became Mr. Universe five times.

Alexander comments on this fact by stating that there are various federations and he participated in competitions organized by the WBBF federation, which split from NABBA and was led by opponents of the use of pharmacology in bodybuilding.

A closer look shows that even in this federation he participated not as a competing athlete, but as one of three invited guests for guest posing.

According to the testimony of one of the two other proclaimed guests, “they were all out of shape, it was just a pleasant pastime, for which they were also given medals” (correspondence here).

Perhaps receiving a thank-you medal after guest posing became a reason for Alexander to exaggerate his own perception, and a tale about him becoming Mr. Universe leaked into the information echo chamber… but then how to explain the presence of the cup and diploma in the photo above?

There are opinions that the results were fabricated by the competition organizers, and the titles were bought by the invited guests…

Be that as it may, it is difficult for a sober mind to comprehend two contradictory facts: the absence of any physical form in Alexander Nevsky and the awarding of the title Mr. Universe to him…

Or perhaps we have simply become too accustomed to the image of incorrect chemical bodybuilding created in our minds…

The main reason for the negativity towards Alexander Nevsky is cited as the dishonesty in personally claiming the title of Mr. Universe, which he never possessed

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2 Expert in fitness and bodybuilding

Alexander Nevsky has written many books on bodybuilding.

Printed work is indeed most often a form in which accumulated experience in various fields of human activity is embodied. But it should be remembered that the opposite is not always true: having books under one’s own name is by no means a sign of expertise.

The physical form of Alexander is not impressive. Critics note a high percentage of body fat and insufficient development of almost all muscle groups.

Alexander himself explains in his interview (see below) that such body fat is normal for athletes who do not use anabolic steroids… Immediately, another natural athlete comes to mind – Michael Ashley – who was a well-known opponent of steroids and dried out using natural methods to 5%

The wave of indignation from Nevsky’s opponents is also caused by the technique of performing exercises, which can be seen in the few videos on his Instagram profile and on YouTube…

The unconventional approach is noticeable, a tendency to work with inappropriate weights and incomplete range of motion… mops and saying “like this”.

But we all tend to bring elements of creativity into our workouts and lifestyle and know that the concept of “correct” is very relative: some experts argue that it is necessary to perform exercises through the full range of motion; then on the scene appears Korean Chul Soon with an incredible physique, and experts comment that his secret lies in the specifics of performing exercises… with a short range.

Could it be that in the life of Alexander Nevsky, absolutely everything is criticized on the wave of dislike for his personality? After all, that happens too…

Another reason for the criticism of Alexander Nevsky is his atypical physique for bodybuilders: a high percentage of body fat and poor muscle definition.

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3 Cleanliness from the use of anabolic steroids

Questions about the use of pharmacology are among the most uncomfortable for professional bodybuilders, as it is no secret that there are practically no clean athletes left. See How natural is modern natural bodybuilding?

Alexander Nevsky actively positions himself as an opponent of the use of pharmacology in bodybuilding. Well, overall this is not bad: modern bodybuilding indeed needs a loudly expressed alternative viewpoint that is important for the youth to hear…

However, there are doubts about Alexander’s own purity from the use of anabolic substances.

It is reliably known that in his youth he used them (see the interview below) and achieved excellent shape at that time.

In one of the investigations by NTV journalists, when offered to take tests after his statement about not using, Nevsky somehow responded with a refusal.

Doubts are also raised by Alexander Nevsky’s atypical weight of 140 kg for a natural athlete.

It is known that the weights of bodybuilders from the golden era of bodybuilding rarely exceeded 100 kg. And for Nevsky’s idol Arnold, at his peak after becoming acquainted with steroids, the weight reached only 130 kg… For a natural athlete to gain 140 kg, exceptional genetics are needed, even considering his height.

Alexander Nevsky is known for his position against the use of pharmacology in bodybuilding. However, when journalists offered him to take tests, he refused and has a greater muscle mass without anabolic substances than Arnold at his peak with them.

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Interview of bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky with Eurosport

Below we present separate statements from Alexander Nevsky that clarify his attitude towards steroids, as well as the nuances of obtaining the title of Mr. Universe. Stylistic adjustments were made to the original text without distorting its meaning. The full interview can be viewed here.

There are no quick results in life or in sports.. yes, pharmacology in bodybuilding gives quick results, but it can all end sadly.

Today, bodybuilding has lost its appeal to people due to the total obsession with anabolic steroids and chemicals.

Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky: “When you look at classic photos of Arnold, you want to be like him. But with modern bodybuilders, not only is it unpleasant to look at them, but you wouldn’t even want to resemble them.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger himself notes that modern bodybuilding has hit a dead end. It’s abnormal when such monsters appear who move with difficulty and speak with shortness of breath.

Yes, they have incredible muscle mass, but their bellies are growing too. Why? Because growth hormone increases not only muscles but also internal organs.

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Professional bodybuilders die regularly. Let’s remember: just in the last two months, Dallas McCarver and Rich Piana have passed away, the former being one of the favorites for the title of Mr. Olympia.

I do not support the International Federation of Bodybuilding (IFBB). They do nothing to promote a healthy lifestyle, encouraging the use of pharmacology, which leads professionals to their graves. Fortunately, alternative organizations are now emerging, such as the World Bodybuilding Federation (WBBF), under which I have won Mr. Universe three times.

There are often sarcastic comments about me on the internet for the lack of definition during competitions… I respond: this is logical, as it is impossible to achieve dry muscle mass without sports pharmacology, relying only on protein and amino acids.

Bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky: “…without sports pharmacology, it is impossible to achieve dry muscle mass with just protein and amino acids…

Once, one of the holders of the title Mr. Universe (according to another version) criticized me for insufficient development of my abs and legs. Some time later, he was condemned for distributing anabolic steroids.

I have many envious people. They can’t stand seeing how I develop, shoot movies, and now give you (Eurosport) an interview at the Ritz hotel, while they can’t get out of the basement and inject themselves with growth hormone every three hours… Yes, they have an alarm on their wrist; when it rings, they go to the bathroom with a syringe. That’s why they die. Is super definition worth it?

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Experience with steroids

Alexander Nevsky in his youth, during the “on steroids” period

I tried steroids myself at the beginning of my bodybuilding journey in 1989. When I first came to the gym, I weighed only 80 kg at a height of 198 cm. A big guy immediately approached me and asked:

– What are you doing here?
– I want to be healthy.
– Do you want to do it quickly?
– Of course.

He offered me a hundred cheap pills. I bought them and started taking them.

The result was very quick. What saved me was that I showed the pills to the sports doctor from the boxing section. He asked:

– Have you gained already?
– Of course. I can feel my weight and muscles growing.
– Naturally, they are growing.

To which he simply said without a lengthy explanation:

– Look, if you are taking them now, then you won’t be able to gain mass without the pills. You will always be tied to them. Is that acceptable? Then go ahead.

I could have scared him with side effects; for example, say that by 30 I would become impotent and bald. But I didn’t do that: for a young guy at 18, 30 years is a distant future.

The bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky’s doctor: “if you are taking them [steroids] now, then you won’t be able to gain mass without the pills… you will always be tied to them

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I stopped taking anabolic steroids and after that became a staunch opponent of them, openly speaking against their use on radio and television.

In 1996, I was offered them again. At that time, I weighed 140 kg, but I wasn’t cut. A friend who was a world champion in powerlifting said: “If you want to look like IFBB professionals, this is what you need to take.” And he wrote a list of a dozen substances. I refused.

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Since then, everyone knows my firm stance against pharmacology. My interviews about the dangers of anabolic steroids have taken away quite a number of clients from the distributors of chemistry in gyms. Behind the offensive criticism of me on the internet are the owners of businesses selling gear.


Is the criticism of bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky justified? I doubt that criticism can ever be justified.

Alexander Nevsky indeed has a physique that is uncharacteristic for bodybuilding, unacceptable according to established standards, especially for competitions at the Mr. Universe level.

However, it should be acknowledged that often the bloated forms of many pros during the off-season, while gaining mass, look even less attractive…

The Russian audience is confused by the high percentage of body fat in Alexander Nevsky and his claims to the title.

If at least the fat were removed, which is quite realistic for naturals, the number of haters would decrease significantly. Or one needs to temper their ambitions.

(By the way, for his ambitions and persistence in achieving them, he truly deserves respect.)

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