Soy ans Soy Products: Consumer Reviews on Health Risks |

We have already established that scientific research on soy and soy protein isolate is very controversial.

Those studies that confirm the health benefits of soy generally argue this based on the quality of the protein it contains (which is similar in properties to animal protein and does not carry an excess of saturated fats), the presence of several important vitamins and minerals in its composition, and sometimes even… isoflavones.

However, it is usually never mentioned in these studies about the presence of natural toxic substances in soy (including the same isoflavones), the consumption of which poses a real threat to human health (especially for children).

Let’s move on.

The next step is to analyze consumer reviews about soy.

Main thoughts:

Review of soy milk by a woman: “For many years, I was one of the most devoted supporters of consuming soy milk… doctors diagnosed me with endometriosis of the right ovary… recently, I was found to have nodules in my thyroid

Review of soy by a male vegetarian: “I am a vegetarian… a few years ago, I started consuming a large amount of soy products… blood tests revealed a very high level of parathyroid hormone… as well as very low levels of hormones T3 and T4

Review of soy lecithin by a woman with thyroid nodules: “I felt a large lump on my thyroid… over the last year, I started taking soy lecithin… 16 months after stopping the intake, the tumor has significantly decreased in size

Review of soy by a woman who had a blood clot in her lungs: “I experienced an ’embolism attack’… recently, I started consuming a large amount of soy… I learned that soy contains lectins that stimulate blood clot formation…

Review of soy by a woman with memory issues: “I developed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease… I gave up bread… my forgetfulness and brain fog miraculously disappeared… I discovered that soy is added in small amounts to all types of bread

Review of soy by a young male vegetarian with thyroid cancer: “I had my thyroid removed… I am a vegetarian… soy products formed the basis of my diet… my mother fed me soy formulas… and I consumed a lot of soy sauce for many years

Review of soy by a vegetarian woman: “it seems incredible that a non-smoking, non-drinking vegetarian who has eliminated all dairy products would have all this…

Review of soy formula by a girl’s mother: “the doctor advised me to feed my daughter soy formula as a more ‘healthy alternative’… I trusted my doctor… by the second year she started growing very quickly… by the fourth year she got her period…

Doctor’s review of soy: “Soy is not good for you even in small amounts. Don’t eat it at all.

Review of soy by a woman who had two miscarriages: “I recently added soy protein to my diet… almost immediately I experienced changes in my menstruation… I had a miscarriage… I am not a vegetarian and eat meat

Below we present reviews from ordinary people who have experienced some side effects from consuming soy or have witnessed such effects. Their source is the book The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food, which is a comprehensive study of the harm of soy and its derived products.
(The book is available in a paid English version on

Reviews of soy and soy products (milk, isoflavones, soy protein isolate, soy formulas, lecithin)

Review of soy milk by a woman: nodules in the thyroid and endometriosis

I have personally experienced health problems as a result of consuming soy milk. For many years, I was one of its most devoted advocates 1.

A few years ago doctors diagnosed me with endometriosis of the right ovary (the growth of uterine tissue outside its normal location).

During this time, I began to experience unpleasant side effects every time I drank soy milk. The symptoms included: fatigue, irritability, bloating, gas, and extremely painful breasts. Swelling also started to form in various parts of my body.

I tried several times after the diagnosis to eliminate soy milk from my diet. Each time the listed symptoms returned after resuming consumption.

Also, I was recently found to have nodules in my thyroid; and there are more on the right side (the same side where the endometrioma is located).

As a naturopathic doctor, I realized that I needed to reconsider my recommendations regarding soy milk, especially considering that my specialization is infertility, and this product affects sex hormones.

This issue caught my particular attention after a case involving a 33-year-old man who came to see me and noted that years of consuming soy milk had resulted in a significant decrease in energy levels, and over the past 6 months, also in libido (sexual desire).

R.K., Akron, Ohio

Review of soy milk from a woman: “For many years, I was one of the most devoted advocates of consuming soy milk… doctors diagnosed me with endometriosis of the right ovary…recently, I was found to have nodules on my thyroid

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Reviews of soy milk and infant formulas: a case of a newborn fed with soy infant formula

The fact that soy milk is dangerous for children is evidenced by the fact that some of its producers (for example, WestSoy) place warnings about this on their product packaging 2.

Stories about serious health problems in children fed soy infant formulas filled the front pages of newspapers in the 1990s. One of them was about a five-month-old infant in a state of severe malnutrition who was admitted to a children’s hospital in Arkansas.

Doctors found the child had heart failure, rickets (a disorder of bone formation due to insufficient mineralization), vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels), and neurological disorders.

The girl had been exclusively fed soy infant formula since the third day of her life. An analysis of this formula by the hospital doctors showed a significant deficiency of calcium, niacin (vitamin B3), and vitamins D, E, and C.

On June 13, 1990, the FDA issued a warning about the use of soy milk and formulas for feeding children due to “significant deficiencies in essential nutrients for children” and required manufacturers to place warning information about this on their product packaging.

Reviews of soy from an elderly vegetarian man: hormonal disorders

I am a vegetarian, occasionally eat fish and eggs, and actively engage in sports, performing both aerobic and strength exercises.

I have an interesting experience of consuming soy in large quantities. I am a 56-year-old man and have always considered myself to be absolutely healthy. I am a vegetarian, occasionally eat fish, eggs, and actively engage in sports 19.

Several years ago, I started consuming a large amount of soy and soy products: soybeans, soy meat, soy milk, and everything possible.

This summer, I underwent a series of diverse blood tests. I was shocked when I learned that my parathyroid hormone level was off the charts: 274.0, while the normal range is 12.0-72.0.

My doctor advised me to stop consuming soy and start taking calcium with vitamin D. A few months later, I took the test again, and my hormone level was normal.

My conclusion is as follows: most likely, all the soy I was eating was preventing calcium absorption, and my thyroid gland was “telling” my body (by increasing the level of the corresponding hormone) to take it from the bones to support more important functions.

The blood test also showed very low levels of hormones T3 and T4: they were at the lower limit of normal.

It seems terrible how susceptible we are to extensive soy propaganda. And I fell for it.

If I hadn’t taken the blood test and was still living on soy, I would likely have already developed osteoporosis.

J.K. Raleigh

Review of soy by a male vegetarian: “I am a vegetarian… several years ago I started consuming a large amount of soy products… the blood test revealed a very high level of parathyroid hormone… as well as very low levels of hormones T3 and T4

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Review of the harm of soy by a female vegetarian: soy allergy and bloating

My mother started feeding me soy formula when she was pregnant with my sister, less than a year after my birth 3.

I had colic and gas, but she never thought the cause was a soy allergy.

During my university studies, I became a vegetarian. At that time, I had very severe bloating. My doctor told me that I was swallowing air.

However, I soon realized that the cause was a soy allergy. After I stopped consuming it, I found that even soy oil and lecithin caused bloating.

Chocolate with soy lecithin led to diarrhea, while without it – everything was fine. The difference in taste between them is very noticeable: regular chocolate does not have the characteristic “slippery-greasy” feeling.

S.L., Easton, MD

Review of the harm of soy lecithin: tumor in the thyroid

About 16 months ago, I felt a large lump the size of an almond on my thyroid. It was clearly visible when I looked in the mirror and especially when I swallowed 4.

For several years, I took dietary supplements, but only in the last year did I add soy lecithin to them.

Ultrasound diagnostics, recommended by the endocrinologist, revealed that I had a goiter with several nodules, among which were a few large ones. After the biopsy, the diagnosis of follicular neoplasm was made, and partial removal of the thyroid was recommended.

I decided to stop consuming soy lecithin, as it was the only supplement I had added to my diet in the past year.

Now, 16 months later, the tumor has significantly decreased in size.

R.E. Holstein

Review of soy lecithin from a woman with thyroid nodules: “I felt a large lump on my thyroid… in the last year I started taking soy lecithin… 16 months after stopping the intake, the tumor has significantly decreased in size

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Review of tofu soy cheese: pancreatitis

A large number of articles and books praise tofu and other soy products, but very many of my vegan friends, who regularly consume soy milk and tofu as their main sources of protein, look unhealthy 5.

I became a vegetarian ten years ago, and two years ago I tried to be a vegan. Every time I significantly increased the amount of tofu in my diet, I started having liver problems and once I developed pancreatitis.

M.L., Marshall, TX

Review of soy from a woman: thrombosis in blood vessels

I was a healthy 45-year-old woman when I was diagnosed with “thrombus formation in deep veins,” I experienced an “embolism attack” (blockage of a vessel in the lungs by a thrombus) and ended up in the hospital 6.

Since I had no family history of such diseases, I was prescribed numerous blood tests to determine the cause.

As nothing particularly significant was found, I began to analyze what had changed in my diet recently.

The only conclusion I came to was that I started consuming a large amount of soy and soy protein isolate supplements, as I heard that phytoestrogens in soy can smooth menopause symptoms.

I spent a lot of time studying the possible connection between soy consumption and thrombus formation and learned that soy contains lectins, which, as I understood, have the property of stimulating blood clot formation from red blood cells.

I found out that in one of the experiments a few years ago, scientists recorded the death of a rabbit due to thrombus formation caused by lectin consumption.

And among people, for some reason, no one considers it necessary to warn consumers that soy can kill in this way.

K.G. Nashville

Review about soy from a woman who developed a clot in her lungs: “I experienced a ’embolism attack’… recently I started consuming a large amount of soy… I learned that soy contains lectins that stimulate blood clot formation…

Review about soy milk: anaphylactic shock in a child

My neighbor is a doctor. Once during a night shift, he saved a child’s life. The boy had a peanut allergy, but he experienced anaphylactic shock after his parents gave him a glass of soy milk7

The child was dying, and the ambulance was supposed to arrive in 30 minutes. The doctor administered an adrenaline injection, after which his condition normalized.

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Review about soy in.. bread: memory impairment and “early Alzheimer’s” in a woman

My profession is secretary, and I almost lost my job when I was 50, when I started showing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease 8.

I became very forgetful to the point that I forgot what I was doing or how to respond during phone conversations. Once, I even found myself in the middle of a busy road without understanding how I got there…

I did not consume soy, and I ate like everyone else. But at some point, in order to lose weight, I gave up.. bread. My forgetfulness and fog in my head miraculously disappeared… But when I “went off” the diet, the symptoms returned.

I had long-standing thyroid issues and was taking medication. One day, I went online to understand what affects thyroid health and found information that soy suppresses its function.

After that, I started studying product labels and discovered that soy is added in small amounts to all types of bread.

From that moment on, I began to strictly limit all products containing soy, which is not easy these days. I started baking bread myself, and after that, I never had problems with forgetfulness or other similar issues.

It turns out that even a very small amount of isoflavones from soy flour added to bread was enough to cause these serious side effects.

J.S., Auckland, New Zealand

Review about soy from a woman with memory impairment: “I developed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.. I gave up bread.. my forgetfulness and fog in my head miraculously disappeared… I discovered that soy is added in small amounts to all types of bread

Review of soy by a young male vegetarian: thyroid cancer

I was about to turn 18 next week and was destined to celebrate my birthday by irradiating my thyroid 9.

This spring, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, after which it was removed.

This diagnosis puzzled both me and my doctors. I tried to find the reason why a 17-year-old guy could develop such a disease.

Recently, I learned that soy affects thyroid function.

I have been a vegetarian since I reached sexual maturity. Soy products formed the basis of my diet as I tried to ensure an adequate amount of protein.

Also, for most of my life, I consumed a large amount of soy sauce (I was a crazy little kid): several bottles a week.

My mother did not feed me milk, but used soy formulas as an alternative.

I hope your research will draw more public attention to this issue.

J.G., Goston, MA

Review of soy by a young male vegetarian with thyroid cancer: “they removed my thyroid… I am a vegetarian… soy products formed the basis of my diet… my mother fed me soy formulas… and I consumed a lot of soy sauce for many years

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Review of soy by a female vegetarian: “if only I had known…

I am a healthy 48-year-old woman, actively running, I have been following a vegetarian diet for 5 years and have always had good blood tests 10.

Last year, I added soy products to my usual diet of fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains. I followed the common belief that this would smooth out unpleasant menopause symptoms and maintain heart health.

Every day I consumed tofu and soy milk in large quantities, snacked on soy nuts (editor’s note: a dish made from soybeans that are soaked, pressed, and baked or fried into balls) and considered starting to take soy isoflavones as a supplement.

The result: I now face surgery to remove a goiter (a thyroid tumor).

I have symptoms of thyroid dysfunction: my skin, nails, and hair have taken on an unhealthy appearance, chest pain while running, and my cholesterol level has risen from 137 to 210 in the last six months.

It seems incredible that a non-smoking, non-drinking vegetarian who has eliminated all dairy products could develop all this in just six months without external causes.

In my family’s history, there have been no thyroid diseases and there are no other explanations for what happened to me, except for the beginning of consuming soy products in large quantities…

L.T., Boulder, CO

Review of soy from a vegetarian woman: “it seems incredible that a non-smoking, non-drinking vegetarian, who has eliminated all dairy products, would have all this…

Review of infant soy formula: the difference between twin boys, one of whom was fed soy formula

I have 11-year-old twin boys.

I fed one of them (A) soy formula from 3 months old. There is a significant difference in development and body constitution between them11.

For example, the boy (B), whom I breastfed and fed regular milk formula, is slim, wiry, active, and very talkative.

His brother (on soy formula) is overweight, sluggish; despite tests showing a high level of intelligence, he is underperforming. He also has a disproportionately large chest compared to the rest of his body.

C.S., London, UK

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Review of soy formula: a tall boy with a small… penis

I fed my seven-year-old son soy formula based on soy protein isolate for several months and now his height and weight are off the charts12.

Even though I asked many questions to doctors and dietitians about this, none of them ever mentioned a possible connection between soy and thyroid issues.

He is not a big eater, very active, but his height is 1.5 meters and weight is 55 kg at the age of 7… He also has small genitals and is teased at school for both his weight and small penis.

D.G., Manchester, UK

Review of infant soy formula: a tall girl who started developing breasts and got her period at 4 years old

I breastfed my daughter until she was 5 months old, until I got sick. She was weaned very unexpectedly for me, and she was started on cow’s milk formula, resulting in her breaking out in a rash 13.

My doctor advised me to feed her soy formula, informing me that it was a more “healthy alternative.”

This advice was given to me in August 1996 – one month after the official warning from the Ministry of Health about the dangers of infant soy formulas.

However, I trusted my doctor more and was sure that any product could not be sold for children’s nutrition without prior testing and approval from regulatory authorities.

Now I am sure that I was wrong.

My daughter consumed soy formula for 12 months. By her second year of life, she started to grow very quickly and exceeded our expectations based on what our relatives were like in family history.

A little after her fourth birthday, she started… her period. Doctors began to examine her regularly, without providing conclusions, and she started visiting a gynecologist, which was very strange for me considering her age.

Recently, I learned about the potential dangers of soy infant formulas and studied the issue thoroughly. The results of my research turned my world upside down, and my conclusion is very alarming.

P.W., Auckland, New Zealand

Review of the soy formula from the girl’s mother: “The doctor advised feeding my daughter soy formula as a more ‘healthy alternative’… I trusted my doctor… by her second year, she started to grow very quickly… by her fourth year, she started her period…

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Review of the soy infant formula from the doctor and the girl’s mother

Personally, I was very lucky, as I have a scientist friend in England 14.

Five years ago, he told me, “Soy is not good for you, even in small amounts. Don’t eat it at all.” I listened to him and don’t eat it, but 16 years ago I fed my daughter soy formula because she couldn’t digest regular milk.

Now she has all the symptoms of a classic child raised on soy: menstruation started at 10 years old, low thyroid hormone levels, frequent severe migraines, learning difficulties, skin disease vitiligo, the cause of which is a thyroid dysfunction.

I am sure that I caused all of this with soy nutrition, and it is very hard for me to come to terms with that.

Recently, I came across a book from 1950 about the thyroid gland, which clearly stated that soy negatively affects thyroid function.

This was known 50 years ago, but this information is still being suppressed because manufacturers pay bribes. The realization of this makes me furious.

A.R., London, UK

Doctor’s review on soy: “Soy is not good for you, even in small amounts. Don’t eat it at all.

Review of the soy formula from the mother: consequences of feeding her daughter soy

My daughter was on soy formula from 4 weeks until 3 years old, as she could not tolerate my milk 15.

At 2 years old, her whole body started to swell, starting from her left arm and beyond. She was hospitalized and remained in this condition for three weeks, despite being given steroids.

The doctors could not find the cause.

At 4 years old, she had tests done to check her thyroid function, which showed some problems, but a repeat test showed nothing.

She began to have more and more health issues: her joints hurt very often, she broke several bones, the most serious fracture being a spiral fracture of the femur that occurred when she jumped over the cord of my sewing machine…

She developed breasts very early, and despite her fragile constitution, her menstruation started at 11 years old. They lasted for 7 days and were very painful with severe back pain.

At times, she said she just wanted to die. Her doctor is trying to find hormonal contraceptive pills that will help her.

E.S., Sydney, Australia

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Review of soy isoflavones from a woman: missed periods, gained 13 kg

I started taking soy isoflavones to alleviate menopausal symptoms, as I read a lot of information confirming this ability. This is one of the biggest mistakes of my life 16.

I gained 13 kg in three weeks and felt worse than ever. The pills led to a complete cessation of menstruation. They only resumed after six months. For me, this was a joy, but the isoflavones caused other changes in my body.

I experienced classic symptoms of thyroid dysfunction that I had never had before (my weight had always been normal).

I bought isoflavones because they were sold in the store, and I was confident in their safety. They must have a warning label about the dangers!

P.R. Columbus, OH

Review of soy from a woman: two miscarriages

I recently added soy protein to my diet, which already included soy lecithin and soybean oil 17.

Almost immediately, I experienced changes in my menstruation. Ovulation started 7-10 days later than usual, but I didn’t pay attention to it and got pregnant twice.

18 days after the start of the first pregnancy, I had a miscarriage; the second time – on the 20th day.

I had never had such disruptions in my menstrual cycle and had never had miscarriages before.

I am not a vegetarian and eat meat and organic vegetables, so I am sure I did not get hormones from other foods. Obviously, the reason was the soy…

L.M., Santa Rosa, CA

Review of soy from a woman who had two miscarriages: “I recently added soy protein to my diet… almost immediately, I experienced changes in my menstruation… I had a miscarriage… I am not a vegetarian and eat meat

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Doctor’s review on soy: soy milk and male infertility

I am a naturopath and can confidently confirm that men who regularly consume soy will have thyroid problems, experience a lack of energy, and very low libido (sexual desire) 18.

Let me give you a recent case: one of my patients proudly told me that he has been drinking soy milk regularly for seven years. He came to see me because he and his wife could not conceive a child.

Upon examining his genitals, I found that there was no life and no basis for sperm production. The testicles were dead…

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