The article will definitely appeal to.. the “bulbashas” (Belarusians) 😉 Probably, each of them at least once in their life (if not out of necessity, then out of idle curiosity) asks the question “can you lose weight on potatoes”. The answer: yes, you can!
We present to you the review of a person who lost weight on potatoes.. an Australian, not a Belarusian :(, and comments from doctors on this specific diet.
Main thoughts:
Doctor Nadolsky: “The Taylor experiment does NOT prove that the potato diet is super effective for weight loss. Any diet that creates a calorie deficit (restricts calorie intake) is useful for weight loss… but that does not mean it is healthy“
Dietitian: “A medium potato contains only 4 grams of protein. A protein deficiency leads to muscle mass loss. This means that when losing weight on potatoes, the weight will decrease not only due to fat but also muscle“
Dietitian: “I personally would not recommend the potato diet.. it is very conservative.. yes, you can lose weight on it, but going to such extremes is not necessary at all“
“Make your food boring, and your life interesting” – the main lesson that Andrew Taylor (facebook page here) learned during his self-experiment, during which he ate only potatoes every day at every meal for a whole year.
The potato diet for weight loss is mind-boggling, as it contradicts all the canons of proper nutrition for weight loss, but nevertheless, for Taylor, who weighed 151 kg at the beginning of the experiment, it yielded impressive results: the Australian lost 53 kg!
But a reasonable question arises: how safe is such a diet? And what about protein, which is both beneficial for weight loss and necessary for health? How reproducible are the results that Taylor demonstrated for other people?
Journalists from MensHealth found answers to these questions from dietitians.
How effective is the potato diet?
During the experiment, Taylor ate all kinds of potatoes, including sweet potatoes (batata).
To somehow diversify the potato menu, he used seasonings made from dried herbs, fat-free sweet chili pepper, or barbecue sauce, and when making mashed potatoes, he added fat-free soy milk to it.
He drank only water and occasionally beer (let’s forgive him this ;). Since the diet completely lacked meat, he took vitamin B12 as a supplement to avoid deficiency.
As for the quantity and size of portions, there were no restrictions: he ate as much as he wanted to satisfy his hunger.
During the first month, Taylor did not exercise and lost 10 kg, but then he started working out for 90 minutes a day.
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Potatoes contain a lot of beneficial nutrients (provided they are prepared correctly), are an excellent source of fiber and healthy carbohydrates; eating them provides satiety, especially if they are boiled, – says weight loss specialist Spencer Nadolsky.
Potatoes are rich in potassium and vitamin C, and some varieties, such as sweet potatoes, contain a large amount of vitamin A.
But is there something special about potatoes that makes them particularly beneficial for weight loss compared to other foods?
Dr. Nadolsky: “Taylor’s experiment DOES NOT prove that the potato diet is super effective for weight loss. Any diet that creates a calorie deficit (restricts caloric intake) is beneficial for weight loss… but that does not mean it is healthy“
In this case, the daily consumption of monotonous food (potatoes) simply did not provoke Taylor to overeat. That’s the whole secret.
You can eat only pizza or ice cream, or something else (even not the healthiest) and you will lose weight… if you burn more calories during the day than you consume. But that does not mean that such a diet is healthy. (Read about the importance of calorie restriction What to do to lose weight or Why a proper diet is more important than exercise?)
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Is the potato diet safe?
Taylor regularly underwent examinations by a doctor and a registered dietitian to ensure that his health was in order.
During the experiment, he saw how his health improved along with weight loss. “I had high cholesterol, and now it’s normal; my blood pressure has also decreased, and my blood sugar level has normalized.”
This is not surprising, as weight loss is always accompanied by improvements in many health markers, especially those related to the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is also quite possible that the beneficial nutrients in potatoes played a certain role, – says Dr. Nadolsky.
The potato diet for weight loss is unlikely to cause serious harm in the short term (a few weeks); however, following it for a long time may harm your health, as you are not consuming enough protein and fats. This can lower energy levels, weaken the immune system, leave you chronically hungry, and reduce concentration.
Dietitian: “A medium potato contains only 4 grams of protein. A protein deficiency leads to muscle mass loss. This means that when losing weight on potatoes, the weight will decrease not only due to fat but also muscle.”
Loss of muscle mass is particularly significant in older age, as it affects daily quality of life: climbing stairs and carrying groceries from the store becomes more difficult.
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Doctors’ reviews on the potato diet for weight loss
I personally would not recommend this, – says doctor Nadolsky. – It severely restricts the diet.
Even veganism and the ketogenic diet are quite restrictive, although the list of allowed foods is significantly broader, but the potato diet is one of the most conservative that can be imagined.
(The ketogenic diet is considered one of the healthiest not only for weight loss but also for health. Read more about it here. For the risks associated with veganism, especially for athletes, read here.)
Yes, it cannot be denied that Taylor was able to lose weight on potatoes. This is a fact. Moreover, he notes that he feels great. “I feel amazing and incredible! I sleep better, I no longer have joint pain from old football injuries, I am full of energy, my mind is clear, and I am more attentive.”
But that doesn’t mean you won’t experience any negative side effects, such as constant fatigue or hunger, as such a monotonous diet is very difficult to stick to for a long time, – says doctor Nadolsky.
Can you try to lose weight on potatoes? Yes, of course, but going to such extremes is not necessary at all.
Optimize your diet by enriching it with foods rich in diverse nutrients.
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During weight loss, it is important that at least 30% of the calories in your diet come from lean protein sources, such as chicken and fish.
If you really want to eat potatoes – don’t hesitate, but try to consume more diverse vegetables.
Healthy fats, such as avocado, for example, should also be included in the diet, as they are beneficial for health.
Dietitian: “I personally would not recommend a potato diet.. it is very conservative.. yes, you can lose weight on it, but going to such extremes is not necessary at all“
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Potatoes can certainly be a part of a healthy diet for weight loss. But when you eat only potatoes – this is excessive and completely unnecessary restriction, – says Dr. Nadolsky.
For some people, a potato diet can lead to serious health problems. The risk is especially high when other unhealthy foods are used instead of potatoes.
“Make your food boring, and your life interesting” sounds trendy, but for many people, food is more than just energy replenishment: it is also enjoyment and an important aspect of social life, – says Dr. Nadolsky.
Taylor also notes that “different things work for different people, so ‘do your own research and make informed decisions. Don’t do something just because you saw it from some weird guy on the Internet!“